How to Do Well in Routine Maintenance of Sprockets

2020-03-10 13

No matter what kind of product, it is necessary to do a good job of maintenance, which can not only increase the service life of the product, but also make it more useful. Of course, the same is true for sprockets. The sprocket manufacturer told us that we must do a good job of maintenance.

Sprocket tightness must be appropriate, too tight and too loose will cause some damage to it. If it is too close, it will make the bearing wear, and if it is loose, it will easily make the chain wheel drag chain, so we must pay attention to this aspect. At the same time, during installation, it is necessary to check whether it swings or tilts, which will affect its normal operation and accelerate its wear. These two aspects are explained in the instructions printed by the sprocket manufacturer, and must be carefully looked at.

If the sprocket causes serious wear and tear during use, it must be replaced and renovated in time. It must have a certain amount of lubricating oil in daily work, which can reduce wear and tear. At the same time, the chain wheel factory also told us that the new chain wheel cannot be used with the old chain wheel, which will produce a certain impact force and will easily break.


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